Renewed Solutions is proud to partner with EarthX 2018 to spread awareness on how to manage your paper and electronic waste. Come see us and learn how your business and family can make a difference each day to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
For free tickets, visit earthx.org/attend
Join the EarthX Sustainability Challenge @ earthx.org/sustainability
Free Valet Document Shredding and Electronics Recycling
Document Shredding
Bring all of your confidential documents to be shredded on-site at no charge. Old tax returns, bank statements, credit card statements and even your junk mail. Protect your identity while doing your part to save trees!
Electronics Recycling – Items to Bring
- Cell Phones & Tablets
- Desktop & Laptop Computers
- Monitors & T.V.’s
- Keyboards, Mice and other computer peripherals
- Cable Boxes, DVD Players, VHS Players & Remote Controls
- Audio Equipment including CD Players, Record Players, Tape Players, Amps, Receivers & Speakers
Items We Cannot Accept
- Appliances, Furniture or Clothing
- Chemicals, Paints or Aerosol Cans
- Lights or Lamps
- Car Batteries
Fair Park Dallas
At the corner of 2nd Avenue & Parry Ave.
820 South 2nd Ave, Dallas, TX 75210
Saturday & Sunday – April 21 – 22, 2018 from 10 am – 3:30 pm